Source: Chris Veerabadran- The Italian Goddess Sophia Loren, with some sound educational advice.
“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.”
A wise quote by Sophia Loren an Italian film actress
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Source: AZ Quotes- The Italian Goddess Sophia Loren. |
The Toothless Owl
The Italian Goddess Sophia Loren, making it extremely clear that she isn't just a great body with a hot baby face that she actually has not just a brain inside, but a big brain inside that's always not just working, but working well to improve herself and people around her. Her quote here about education is a perfect example of that. Only the dumbest of the dumb people who had brain surgeries on them by people who were simply stealing brains with no intentions of fixing the brains and giving them back to the rightful owners, believe that education stops once we graduate college or in some cases still high school.
High school, is where we go to prepare ourselves for college and in some cases so we can get a job once we graduate from high school and make sure we have the basic skills down. Reading, writing, math, history, social studies, etc. College is where we go to prepare ourselves for life as adults and get the skills that we need to get ourselves a good job and be able to support ourselves in life with a good job. As well as to party, have a good time, meet people and other things as well. But life, is where we get the best and most important lessons about ourselves and where we really get to learn about ourselves and people around us. How to treat others and how others will treat us. Who we can trust, who we can count on, who we should look out for, so we don't get too close to them, because they can't be trusted.
There those old expressions that life is a journey or highway and as true as they are life is so much more than that. Life is an experience that starts when we're born and doesn't end until we die. You can also say that life is a roller coaster with all it's ups and downs that is performed by the most imperfect of people known as human beings where we're always trying new things and having new experiences and hopefully learning from them. The people who do best in life ride the fewest roller coasters and when they take risks they take calculated risks knowing that if it works out they'll do very well, but if those calculated risks don't work out there won't be that heavy of price to pay for it at least not to the point that it can ruin their lives, because they're acting on experience and knowledge and know going in what the risks and rewards were, because they did a real cost-benefit analysis.
The people who do best in life, the winners in life are the people who never get off the journey of life and are always moving forward and learning in life. Never too up and never too down, because even when they make mistakes they use them and take advantage of them by using them as opportunities for self-improvement. Instead of saying to themselves, "I really screwed up here, I'm never going to try that again!" Or acting as if their life is over and they'll never recover from that mistake.
But when people are up they perhaps climbed that mountaintop and now feel they're at the top, they take that for what it's worth knowing that if they don't continue to improve and to learn that the next stop for them can be only be down, because they stop learning and improving and become overconfident. People tend to make mistakes when they stop learning and improving and make decisions based on old information and what they're done before and stop learning and improving. People are most likely to make mistakes in life when they're either overconfident, or are out of control and acting on emotion instead of reason and intelligence.
It's that old quote from President Richard Nixon during his last day as President in 1974 because he was forced to resign because of his involvement in Watergate, where he says, "only when you've been in the deepest valley can you know what it's like to be on the highest mountain." Life is an experience where we all go through our highs and downs and all at some point in our life have been at the valley at some point going through a really rough time. But the only people who've gotten to the highest mountain or at the top of any mountain are the people who've learned from their bad experiences and used them to improve themselves. And we're never satisfied at being on the bottom or even in the middle of the pack, because they took advantage of what life has to offer which is really education about ourselves and the people around us. That is what I get from this Sophia Loren quote.